Thursday, October 22, 2009

The short life of Sammy the Puppy

Here is a note that I published on facebook 12/16/2008:
Sammy the puppy passed away last night (early morning of 12/16/08).

Soon after we got him, we were told that he had a heart murmur. Later on, the diagnosis was changed to a hole in the heart. Blood was bypassing part of the circulatory system where oxygen would fully join with the blood.

While he was a puppy, he could manage to get by, but as he matured and got more active, the hole in the heart was going to eventually cause him to die early.

They originally thought that he might last a year. He was only with us for 2 months.

We had a health guarantee where we got him, but that didn't help when we bonded to the pup and found out that if we returned him to the store and to the breeders that the puppy would be put to sleep.

We wanted to insure that the pup would live out whatever life that he had by being wanted and being loved. He brought us happiness and I believe that he had love and happiness from us.

It was a short life, but it was a sweet life.

Sammy will be missed.
I have thought many times since I wrote this piece. This was a hard decision on us and I'm just not sure what would have been the right thing to do. I do believe that life is precious. It's been about one year since we picked up Sammy. I'm not sure which day we received the bad news.

There are no guarantees in life. You just don't know what is ahead and you may never understand the why of it all. You just have to keep going on and just make some of the hard decisions in your gut.

My gut says that we did the right thing by keeping Sammy for the life that we had. If there is a heaven, I hope that he'll be waiting for me.

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